Tenant Fee Ban - Transition Period Ends!
The law has now changed regarding tenant fees as of the 1st June 2020. A year ago, the English Government introduced a ban on tenant fees on all new tenancies.
As part of this legislation, a one-year transition period covering pre-existing tenancies was granted. This period has now finished meaning that tenant fees – regardless of when the contract was signed – cannot be charged!
Fees that fall into this category include charges for renewing a tenancy agreement, guarantor requests or credit checks and many more.
If you have a tenancy agreement that pre-dates June 2019, contact us for advice to ensure you’re doing the right thing. If you breach the law you will face a £5,000 fine for a first offence.
Get caught again within five years, and it’s a criminal offence and an unlimited fine.
We are all about keeping our landlords on the right side of the regulatory fence, so if you have any questions whatsoever get in touch today and we will be happy to help….